viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009


This week the people from proteccion civil came. Part of their job is to make sure we know how to handle such emergencies as fires, earthquakes, and bomb threats. They stop by unexpectedly every few months to conduct drills.

We take courses about once a month to prepare ourselves for the drills and for real emergencies. Most of us have been in the courses for more than a year, but it is still a little bit nerve racking when proteccion civil comes!

The drill this week was for a bomb threat. If it were a real threat called in by phone, we would have to pay special attention to the caller´s voice and take mental note about background noise and things like that. All of this is reported to proteccion civil when they come to the scene. They use the details as clues to figure out who the caller may be.

Then we sound a special alarm and the teachers know to evacuate their classes. In case of a bomb threat, we are not allowed to re-enter the school once we exit, so on my way out of the office I take the first aid kit and a fire extinguisher. Miguel takes the backboard.

Once everyone is evacuated we designated special places for our triaje unit and center of operations. During the drill, proteccion civil evaluates us on all of these points!

After it was over they gave us a report letting us know how we did. We passed!!!! They did mark us on one point. We didn´t put the signs out to designate the different areas. Oops!!!!! The drills are a great learning experience and each one helps us better prepare to protect our students and ourselves if ever there were a real emergency!

1 comentario:

  1. Good job! It makes me even more confident to tell students they should be very safe while in Cuernavaca.
