viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

Dia del Maestro!

In Mexico on May 15th we celebrate Dia del Maestro. Traditionally, students give small gifts to their teachers, and schools hold special celebratory events and festivals. Many schools even give teachers the day off!

Speaking with a friend who teaches at a local private school, I learned that her school (and I imagine others) is postponing the celebration because the swine flu has interrupted their schedule. Since they had to postpone the Mother´s Day celebration, they thought it only fair to postpone the teachers´ celebration as well.

Regina, one of our favorite students(!!!!!) is a teacher in Portland, Oregon. She told us yesterday that in her district they celebrate the teachers with several days of festivities! Among the activities are teacher sporting events. It sounds like a lot of fun!

In Chac-Mool our students are very appreciative of our teachers, and never hesitate to give us wonderful feedback! Julio and Deana are also very gracious with the teachers and staff that help Chac-Mool learn and grow. Today Julio will show his appreciation by taking us out to lunch after school! Can´t wait!

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