miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009

Helpful Website

I just happened upon another very useful website called www.studyspanish.com. Their explanations of grammar are very concise and helpful! I know many students like to prepare before they come study, or practice after they leave, and this would be a great way to go over grammatical points from home!

1 comentario:

  1. I found a website that helped me so much in getting my past tenses straightened out, and it is full of really interesting cultural information as well. It is called "Viaje al pasado: Los Aztecas" and the address is: http://rea.ccdmd.qc.ca/ri/aztecas/
    It has lots of exercises that are based on first-hand accounts of events during the conquest, and then it even has two mini role playing adventures you can try at the end.
